Network structure of Phallus indusiaus Vent
2015Silver Prize

The purpose of this research is to develop a new procedure of modeling free-form mesh by modeling the network structure of “Phallus Indusiatus”. This network structure can be regarded as the freeform mesh made mainly of hexagons. In previous methods, mesh modeling has typically taken the procedure of, first, fixing the final surface form and then, splitting it into small hexagons of the same size. However, the mushroom shows various sizes and non homogeneous density of hexagons. In this paper, the authors take new approach: first, hypothesize the primary form for the mushroom; then, organize homogeneous Voronoi mesh over the primary form by deforming it according to internal dryness distribution; and finally gain the variety of the mushroom forms and, at the same time, non-homogeneous density of the hexagonal mesh.
Keywords: geometric modeling / mesh structure / Voronoi diagram / Phallus Indusiatus / algorithmic design / dynamic relaxation
Yusuke TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro TACHI, Yurika YOKOYAMA; Deformation of Mesh Structure Based on Contraction of Edge Elements, Japan Society for Graphic Science Vol.48, 3-9, (2014).
Keywords: geometric modeling / mesh structure / Voronoi diagram / Phallus Indusiatus / algorithmic design / dynamic relaxation
Yusuke TAKAHASHI, Tomohiro TACHI, Yurika YOKOYAMA; Deformation of Mesh Structure Based on Contraction of Edge Elements, Japan Society for Graphic Science Vol.48, 3-9, (2014).